Different tack
Saturday, October 30, 2004
He's Back, and Kerry is running scared
Osama Bin Laden is back. With a warning, even John Kerry can not save you, if you threaten the security of Muslim Nations.
To put it in simpler terms, what does this mean, why now? Anyone remember Spain?
Osama tried to do to us, what they did to Spain but we intercepted them. It has been
kept very quiet in the main stream media.
So he had to do something that he knew we could not stop. And releasing a video tape is the best vehicle for that goal.
It was something the media just could not ignore. He figured that since his Plan "A" did not work.
It was time for Plan "B", so take this message for what it is. An attempt to sway this election.
The problem for Osama is that he is use to speaking with like minded religious Zealots.
So after watching the campaign attack ads by Kerry and others, Osama tried to do the same.
But he is not as astute in this venue as Paul Begala, James Cariville and Dick Morris.
So he has botched the delivery and made the message less effective that it could have been.
But the intent is clear, at least it is to me. So time for the history lesson.
"We need breathing room.", "We are trying to liberate our fellow brethren.", and of course the one that Kerry would like to hear.
"We will know peace in our time." These are the quotes proceeding WWII. These quotes should be burned into your memory.
As a warning, that you can not let any motivated group, willing to kill anyone in their way; a path to power.
According to all the news services, Al-Qaida has been rendered a scattered force with as much as 75 percent of it's members
captured or killed. Now, this is not the first time a group was forced underground only to come back stronger.
The Brown Shirts did it in the late 20's Germany. They came back after the German government tried to suppress them.
They even arrested the groups leaders and jailed many of them for several years. But after their release, the Brown Shirts rise to power
was very rapid. This is a history lesson, that I am sure, Bin Laden has learned as well.
So the question is, who will pursue these renegades until they are captured and their organization is disbanded, permanently.
This is a war of ideas, one that can just as easily plunge the world in to another World War.
Bush will try to prevent it, but Kerry would make the same mistakes as Chancellor
By allowing Bin Laden the time to continue his goals and let him recuit new members to replace the ones that are captured or killed.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
They just cant keep from doing it
Here we go again. More Bush Air National Guard allegations that Bush got a pass.
Just days before the election, why you ask? Well, the only reason is to try and get veterans to vote for Kerry.
But it won't work, most veterans know exactly what people are like in their last year of service.
Especially, if they know that they are getting out.
So again, a bunch of DRAFT DODGING malcontents are complaining.
Of course, they are being spurred on by their friends in the European Media.
Who are complaining it was their fault, in the first place, for the IRAQ War to be allowed.
So I say this: How can you trust the PRESS and the Democratic party ,when they continue to use the Joseph Goerbels handbook?
Monday, October 25, 2004
Stolen Honor
Thanks to Cold Fury and Indepundit,
the link to the video "Stolen Honor" is available.
This is a must see.
Sunday, October 24, 2004
The Big Pumba returns
It has come to this, Bill Clinton has to campaign for Kerry. Think about it, a recovering heart surgery patient has to campaign for Kerry.
If this is not a new low in campaign tactics, it comes real close. I mean what's next, baby Harp Seal pups at every Kerry campaign stops.
(PS: if Kerry does this I want "ROYALTIES".You heard about it here, first. )
It is bad enough listening to the Socialist European Media like the The UK Guardian whine about how badly they want "Anyone but Bush".
Read: http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguide/tvradio/story/0,14676,1335307,00.html
So again, I say if this is a 2 point lea. Why is this kind of stuff happening with the Kerry campaign.
OBTW: I bet if looks like Boston will win the Series, Kerry will be at the Game looking for more free publicity.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
2 percent Bush lead, yah right....
If it was only a 2 percent Bush lead would the following be happening:
State Republican offices being ransacked nationwide
Celebrities holding fan meetings specifically too drum up support for Kerry
Provisional ballots for voters regardless of what polling place used
and then there is the registration drives.
I mean just how bad does a guy with a wife worth over 1 billion dollars want to be President.
I would like to believe he wants to serve but I just don't. He is only in this race for the potential power the position brings.
And that should worry anyone, who thinks that the government is suppose to work for the people.
Democrats are pulling every trick from the Joseph Goerbel's handbook.
Terror, intimidation and out right destruction of personal property and personage. The only thing that has not happened is
"The Night of the Long Knives". I think it is not for lack of willing participates in the Democratic Party but it is just
a little too far for Kerry. Of course, that is just speculation on my part. But in the coming days we will find out just how far
the mainstream elements of the Democratic Party are willing and able to go, in their quest for power.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Democrats can't tell the truth
First, it was Teresa Hienz (I got a Billion dollars, that must be work) Kerry stating that Laura Bush " never had a real job, um.., in her adult life"
Then you get the DNC spokesman trying to cover for her by stating that THK meant "she quit working after getting engaged to G. Bush."
Neither of which is true, just check out these non-partisan websites:
Of course the biggest lie is Kerry going hunting. It's not that I think that he can't shoot or that I think that he would not eat, what he did shoot.
It is that flat out carp, that he would not promote and pass gun registration bill followed by a gun confisctation bill. All the while, telling you that
it was "all in the best interest of the public". So again the question is can you trust Democrats.
The Answer is that same since Bill Clinton questioned "what the definition of is, is". So if you don't feel you are taxed enough, Vote Kerry.
If you want the economy to recover, beat the terrorist and work at returning America to it former self, Vote Bush.
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Kerry and your pocket book
In the next two+ weeks, Kerry will make every charge against Bush that he can. With the purpose of scaring you into voting for him.
Of course, this is not without historical precedent. So I will only remind all of you when Kerry is talking about taking money from anyone.
It is really a Fruedian slip since Kerry is the one, who will take money from you. I would like to remind you all, that you can not give anything to
anyone without someone paying for it. This goes for raising the minimum wage, better health care, higher paying jobs or guarenteeing that Social Security.
Whether is comes from higher prices by raising the minimum wage or higher taxes to pay for the new programs Kerry is proposing, Kerry will cost you.
And if you thing by Kerry pulling out of Iraq that there will be more money for his programs. Think again, the estimate on health care alone is
7.2 TRILLION dollars for 4 years. So while you may not agree with Bush on everything ,
and I don't. I do know that I do not want to hand my wallet to Kerry.
Saturday, October 16, 2004
League of women voters and the truth.
Well, when I woke this morning and wanted to watch "Enterprise" that I taped last night. I turned to channel 3 (public access) and saw this video program
by the League of Women Voters (LWV). Or after watching this one hour piece of propaganda, I call them the League of Liberal Democrat Women Voters.
I got absolutely stunned that someone would actually go so far as to state that "we can eliminate mercury in our food supply".
But when I saw the her title was former Clinton Administration EPA member ,it took a little of the shock away. But I expect more from a supposedly
college educated person with a background in the environment. Why you ask? Well it is real simple; mercury is an element.
It is on the Periodic Table of Elements , it is naturally occurring, it is considered a stable element and it is part of the chemical make up of all living organism's.
While amount is miniscule, the fact is we need it to live. Of course, this was the most blatent statement that showed the bias of this video.
But there are even more signs that this ia a Pro Kerry, Pro Democrat video. First of all, every website listed in this video was to a pro liberal,
pro Democrat, pro Kerry websites, Each of the talking points in this video were defineitely slanted to the pro Democrat, pro liberal, pro Kerry viewpoint.
In fact you only hear pro conservative viewpoints from the public, not from any of the "experts" on this video. And all the discussion of Bush, is about
how he is not doing enough for the enviornment, he has caused the Health Care crisis, he does not look long term enough on foreign policy,
and that he is letting the evil rich get away with ruining the enviornment and keeping their money instead of giving it to the government.
So if you need to be convinced to vote for Kerry, watch this video on a public access channel near you. But remember that these people are
willing to lie to you, often. But then again so will Kerry.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Debate III
Kerry blew it. He stalled several times but when Kerry stated that "we needed MORE affirmative action."
I have to ask, WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON?
The only people, who think most Americans are Racist, Sexist and Rabid Homophobes are Democrats.
Bush pointed out the FACT that there are more minority owned businesses than any other time in history.
Bush pointed out the FACT that there is more minority home ownership as well. To which, Kerry could not say a word.
Of course Kerry tried to say that Bush did not meet with Blacks. And Bush slammed him for it.
But that was not the only time that Bush slapped him around.
On Taxes, Kerry tried make the point, that the Top 1 percent got to big a tax cut.
But the fact of the matter is Kerry is part of that Top 1 percent. He knows that the Top 1 percent pays 33.89 percent of ALL collected taxes in 2001.
So if you give EVERYONE a tax cut, the Top 1 percent will get 33.89 percent of the tax cut.
That is just the way it is, to say it is not; is to be dishonest.
This is not the 2/3rds that Kerry and the Democrats claim is true.
Add to this that the top 10 percent pay 64.89 percent of all the taxes. Which brings the adjusted income down to 93K, not 200K as Kerry states.
So you think that Kerry is only going to raise taxes on those making 200K a year?
Think again.
But I know this will not sway the hard-core Democrats since logic and reason has nothing to do with their thinking process.
But Bush is also right on education and shot the legs out from under Kerry.
Kerry has voted time and again to not allow Charter schools.
As well as voting down any bills that advocate of holding schools to standards, making the performance of the schools the top priority, not just
having Kids in worthless classes.
Well, I know that the Big Media will try to spin this Kerry's way. But if you saw the video, you know who won.
Time to crank up the heat.
Ken once posed the question to Democrats "Are you sweating yet?" He was asking this because he saw the looming Black Hole that is Kerry's record.
The following reports show that Democrats aren't just sweating but now are in a full out and out panic.
Tennessee: Bush voters are "retarded", This is not from Michael Moore but from that states Kerry/Edwards headquarters; See
Add to that :
Note: it may not let you see it but it was there.
Plus all the other incidents that I have previously documented (see below)
The Kerry supporters are starting to see the writing on the wall.
But it really goes back to: Why are Kerry supporters , Kerry supporters?
If you ask any of them, it is the same answer:
"Anyone but Bush!"
They don't support Kerry really, they just see him as the only means of getting back the power and position that the Democratic party
has been steadily losing for the past 12 years. I know they love to say how great Slickus Willius the First (Bill Clinton) is and was.
But the fact of the matter is that more Democrats have lost their seats in Congress under the 8 years of BC than the prior 70 years combined.
So be careful, you may get harassed when going to the polling places this year. But remember that this is only happening because
the party of "Free Speech" is continuing to lose their influence and power. And man do they know it.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Its the economy, Stupid!
Headline: Serious times require re-election
That this column was printed in the Seattle PI, a more liberal newspaper you would be hard to find, is astounding. I mean Seattle is Mecca to liberals.
We, in the land of Tully Coffee, Starbucks, Brickenstocks & K2, have a 70 year record of voting for people like Jim McDermott, Patty Murray & Maria Cantwell.
So for the Business Section Editor of the Seattle PI to put a column like this is unheard of, PERIOD.
That it got out without censorship is awe inspiring. But I will let the article speak for itself.
Please read it, down load it, give it to your friends oh hell give it to your enemies. This guy lays out what will be, as sure as the sun rises; if Kerry is elected.
For those of you too young to remember, I will tell you what will happen. Kerry is J. Carter, just not as likeable and not as honest.
By the time JC got done, the US had Double Digit Inflation (16%), Double Digit Unemployment (12%) and Double Digit Federal Interest rates (20%)
Monday, October 11, 2004
Party of free speech strikes, again
Another attack by those who claim to be the party of "free speech". Well those in Spokane now know the truth. It is only liberal truth that can be allowed.
See the article in the Seattle Times;
Bush's campaign office in Spokane burglarized, vandalized.
When you can not persuade people with your ideas, should you not re-examine your ideas.
Not follow the "Brown Shirt" method of persuading people, but it was the National Socialist Democratic Party of Germany.
Sunday, October 10, 2004
My favorite quote
Somehow I missed this one, when I first went through the transcript. I know I missed this part of the debate (nature call). But if this does not show
who and/or what John Kerry is, nothing will.
Here is the Quote:
KERRY: Well, again, the president just said, categorically, my opponent is against this, my opponent is against that. You know, it's just not that
simple. No, I'm not.
It has been said time and time again but here is proof from Kerry's own mouth. Kerry wants to be on every side of all issues.
You can not lead this way.
You can not have a vision for the future this way.
And most of all you can not be trusted to fulfill your promises because no one can know what side you will be on when the decision is to be made.
Friday, October 08, 2004
Debate 2: Kerry shows his stripes.
While I know that Big Media is calling this a Kerry win, by Sunday it will be a Kerry loss. Why do I say this, well lets look at the quotes.
Kerry said that if he had to pick a Supreme Court justice, "I want to make sure we have judges who interpret the Constitution of the United States according to the law."
Excuse me, The Constitution is the LAW of the land. All other laws are made to conform to it, not the other way around.
Asked about abortion, Kerry, who supports a woman's right to have an abortion, noted that he as a Roman Catholic but said he could not let his faith influence
his decision. In a long, rambling answer, he said the United States should not bar the use of federal money for family planning programs overseas.
Referring to Kerry's answer, Bush said, "I'm trying to decipher that." Confronting the question directly, he said, "We're not going to spend federal money on abortion."
Bush has it right, abortion is not a federal issue. Therefore, it is not to be federally funded.
Bush also set to lay to rest persistent rumors that the war in Iraq would require the nation to return to a military draft. "We're not going to have a draft. Period,"
the president said.
This also put to lie, Kerry's and the Democrats main talking point for the last two weeks.
"We did something that you don't know how to do," Kerry told Bush. "We balanced the budget. And we paid down the debt of our nation for two years in a row and
we created 23 million new jobs at the same time." He accused Bush of driving up the biggest deficits in history.
Of which Kerry had nothing to do with period. In the next couple of days, it will come out that Kerry voted against balancing the budget and against job creation.
Both were part of the 1994 Republican "Contract with America" and followed up by Republican congressional efforts to present day. The other
negative is that Kerry has not accounted for funding needed to cover his promises of increases in spending by his administration.
If the republicans do this right, you can say "good night, Kerry" to paraphrase George Burns.
By now, this would be national news
If the following had happened to Democrats, by now it would be national news and the demands would be pouring in for the immediate disbanding of the
Republican Party. From Gunshots to Swastika's, normally this would be on the evening news with a bullet, Updated hourly and Special Reports over
the weekend.
So lets list what has happened:
stolen laptops from GOP HQ in Bellevue WA,
MoveOn.org supporter spits on Moderate face in Las Vegas.
Bush supporter punched (no photo)http://www.king5.com/localnews/stories/NW_082804WABkerryEL.c00d5a3c.html
Quote from Kerry supporter," he invited me to punch him."
HAT TIP to Ken.
Minnisota Kerry Rally attack,
From Michele Malkin:
Knoxville, Tennessee:An unknown suspect fired multiple shots into the Bearden office of the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign Tuesday morning.New photos
Democrats accused of ripping Bush signs (Kerry supporters rip up toddler's Bush/Cheney sign) ((from little kid)MVP)
One North Texas family whose relative -- Chad Drake http://www.nbc5i.com/news/3719681/detail.html
Pro-Life Women Forcibly Dragged From John Kerry Abortion Rally, Wash,DC
MINN GOP OFFICES OVERRUN :see gop bulliten http://www.whenangrydemocratsattack.com/angerinc.pdf
From The Politburo Diktat http://acepilots.com/mt/archives/001329.html
West Allis, Wisconsin - Dem. demonstrators stormed a Republican campaign office, Oct. 5.
Knoville, Tennessee - Gunshots fired into Bush-Cheney headquarters, Oct. 4.
Orlando, Florida - Mob attacks Bush-Cheney office, Oct. 5.A group of protestors caused a commotion Tuesday afternoon at the Bush-Cheney Headquarters at SR436 & the 408.
The protestors rushed the front door and Orlando police spokesman, Sgt. Brian Gilliams says.
Madison, Wisconsin - Swastika Burned Into Grass On Bush Supporter's Lawn, Oct. 1.
Vail, Colorado - Vandals chainsaw Bush-Cheney sign on Magnus Lindholm's yard, Sept. 29.
Columbus, Ohio - Purple Heart Iraqi vet attacked, Sept. 30.
Gainesville, Florida - Democrat slugs area GOP chief, Sept. 18.
In flight, over Canada - Drunken Kerry supporter assaults seatmate in flight, Sept. 16.
Dallas, Texas - Family of dead soldier harassed at candlelight vigil, Sept. 9.
Bozeman, Mont. - Bush campaign office vandalized, paint sprayed and rocks thrown, Sept. 4. (per reader Prakk)http://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/articles/2004/09/04/news/02smashed.txt
Huntington, West Virginia - Gunshot fired at Republican headquarters, Sept. 2.
Seattle, Wash. - Veteran for Bush booed at parade, July. (per reader Jessica)http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/jamieson/181422_robert09.html
I can't remember who said the quote," Intellect without action is cowardice." If you can not see that Kerry is only appealling to the emotional side of
any aurgument then you have forgotten the old saying. "Don't be so open minded that your brain falls out."
For more commentary, see Ken:
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Edwards, a trail lawyer without a clue
If I hear Edwards say," We have a plan". One more time, I swear there is a little voice box in
his head and it is the only thing on in there. But it was great watching Cheney blast Edwards
for proposing and then using those same tax loopholes . That he had blamed Bush / Cheney
for allowing to exist in the first place.
Now let's get into the meat of the debate;
Cheney took Kerry and Edwards to task for their votes in the Senate on Iraq, Health Care,
Taxes and their personal integrity. Note: I said "Personal Integrity" not "Patriotism".
Edwards took Cheney to task for increases in Heath Care, Haliburton, Tax Cuts and tried to
say that Republicans are questioning the "patriotism" of Kerry.
So overall, it was a valiant effort by Edwards to try and show himself as a valid Vice President.
But he fell short, mostly because he could not get away from the LIES that the Kerry campaign
has put out over the course of this election cycle. Again that would mean that Edwards would
have to admit the truth that KERRY plans to raise Taxes, Kerry would immediately withdraw
the troops from Iraq and Kerry will increase Social Spending by 1-2 TRILLION dollars. The
last number is a low ball estimate for the price tag of all the promised changes.
But overall Edwards showed me, that he is and always will be a "Trail Lawyer".
So I ask,"Do you want lawyers running the country?"
Monday, October 04, 2004
How can you trust them?
From a pen and probably notes on the debating platform to
using of grass killer to etch a swastika on a private lawn. Do you
really believe you can trust Kerry and the Democrats to follow
through with any course of action, that will protect the
American Public. It is always interesting to hear from liberals
about the "hate speech" coming from any critic to their policies.
But you never hear them condone the action of their own party.
If a Kerry sign is defaced, it is likely to be Nationwide NEWS by
nightfall. Yet the etching of a Swastika on the lawn of people
that had a Bush/Cheney sign, barely make the local news. So
far there is only one group practicing "Brown Shirt" tactics. It
starts with Teresa Heinz Kerry, who has called the American
Public all of the following: "Idiots", "Morons", "Mind Numbed
Robots" and "ignorant" just to quote a few comments. While I
may be a part time member of the Pajamahadeen, if I can find
this information with little to no effort, where is the Mainstream
Media on this case. I mean, after all, this is true and verified
material available to anyone with a notion to tell the truth. But
then again with 80 percent of the Main Stream Media has already
voiced their choice is Kerry. Which is no surprise considering the
Media has vote overwhelmingly for Democrats since 1950. But
of course I am a biased Pajamahadeen.
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Bedroom police?
Another reason to vote against John Kerry.
As if the Democrats are not going headlong into the Orwell 1984
scenario. I read this article in the Seattle PI and I almost could
not believe it.
A couple of quotes:
"Why do we cling to the irrational belief that biological parents
are automatically competent -- in the face of overwhelming
evidence to the contrary?"
Where is the rational for this statement? As far as I know, the
US does not have roving bands of wild children roaming the
streets of our cities. Nor is there an increase percentage wise
of children put in hospitals for mental instability.
"I want to point out that just because something will be abused
doesn't mean it shouldn't be tried, and I want to point out that
our many other licensing policies still exist despite the
occasional abuse."
After decrying the development of Viagra, this Pro Abortion
advocate is stating that we should give all teenager a
"contraceptive vaccination" at puberty. Regardless of whether
the person wants it. After all it is for the greater good, right.
And finally,
"To be succinct, the destruction of life is subject to moral and
legal examination -- so too should be the creation of life,
whenever and however it occurs."
So now, the "death penalty" is the rational for the "life penalty".
What I think is really happening is that "liberal" Democrat's
are more likely to have an abortion than "conservative"
Republican's. This will surely result in there being fewer
Democrat's than Republicans over time, it is a matter of
statistics*. This trend is evident to the Democrats by their loss
of power in the Congress, the News Media and elsewhere. So in
order to promote parity, you get this nonsense. While I might
agree that some people should not be parents. Who knows from
where the next Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking will come
from? I certainly don't and I know I do not want the UN or the
US Government deciding that issue.
So why does this include John Kerry? Well, he is very Pro Abotion,
check his website. He is a Democrat politician, who has watched
his party loss power over the last 20 years. He has stated on
numerous occassions that he would subvert US soveriugnty to
the UN for the public good.
* = a conversion held by Ken an myself on this topic before.
Friday, October 01, 2004
Of course it wasn't the Democrats
Laptops stolen from Bush campaign head quarters in Bellevue WA.
The theft occurred between 2 AM and 8 AM on a Thursday. The
only things stolen were 3 Laptops. So don't be surprised when
new attack ads based on information contained in those
Laptops. Of course, the Democrats are already denying any
knowledge of the thefts and stated that they condone the actions.
But the real proof would be the laptops showing up and the
culprits taken to Jail. But Democrats do not want this
incident compared to WATERGATE. Which is exactly what
it is. So let me be the first to ask, " What did John Kerry know
and when did he know it?
See Seattle PI article: