Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Its the economy, Stupid!
Headline: Serious times require re-election
That this column was printed in the Seattle PI, a more liberal newspaper you would be hard to find, is astounding. I mean Seattle is Mecca to liberals.
We, in the land of Tully Coffee, Starbucks, Brickenstocks & K2, have a 70 year record of voting for people like Jim McDermott, Patty Murray & Maria Cantwell.
So for the Business Section Editor of the Seattle PI to put a column like this is unheard of, PERIOD.
That it got out without censorship is awe inspiring. But I will let the article speak for itself.
Please read it, down load it, give it to your friends oh hell give it to your enemies. This guy lays out what will be, as sure as the sun rises; if Kerry is elected.
For those of you too young to remember, I will tell you what will happen. Kerry is J. Carter, just not as likeable and not as honest.
By the time JC got done, the US had Double Digit Inflation (16%), Double Digit Unemployment (12%) and Double Digit Federal Interest rates (20%)