Different tack
Sunday, October 24, 2004
The Big Pumba returns
It has come to this, Bill Clinton has to campaign for Kerry. Think about it, a recovering heart surgery patient has to campaign for Kerry.
If this is not a new low in campaign tactics, it comes real close. I mean what's next, baby Harp Seal pups at every Kerry campaign stops.
(PS: if Kerry does this I want "ROYALTIES".You heard about it here, first. )
It is bad enough listening to the Socialist European Media like the The UK Guardian whine about how badly they want "Anyone but Bush".
Read: http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguide/tvradio/story/0,14676,1335307,00.html
So again, I say if this is a 2 point lea. Why is this kind of stuff happening with the Kerry campaign.

OBTW: I bet if looks like Boston will win the Series, Kerry will be at the Game looking for more free publicity.

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