Different tack
Saturday, October 23, 2004
2 percent Bush lead, yah right....
If it was only a 2 percent Bush lead would the following be happening:
State Republican offices being ransacked nationwide
Celebrities holding fan meetings specifically too drum up support for Kerry
Provisional ballots for voters regardless of what polling place used
and then there is the registration drives.

I mean just how bad does a guy with a wife worth over 1 billion dollars want to be President.
I would like to believe he wants to serve but I just don't. He is only in this race for the potential power the position brings.
And that should worry anyone, who thinks that the government is suppose to work for the people.
are pulling every trick from the Joseph Goerbel's handbook.
Terror, intimidation and out right destruction of personal property and personage. The only thing that has not happened is
"The Night of the Long Knives". I think it is not for lack of willing participates in the Democratic Party but it is just
a little too far for Kerry. Of course, that is just speculation on my part. But in the coming days we will find out just how far
the mainstream elements of the Democratic Party are willing and able to go, in their quest for power.

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