Sunday, October 03, 2004
Bedroom police?
Another reason to vote against John Kerry.
As if the Democrats are not going headlong into the Orwell 1984
scenario. I read this article in the Seattle PI and I almost could
not believe it.
A couple of quotes:
"Why do we cling to the irrational belief that biological parents
are automatically competent -- in the face of overwhelming
evidence to the contrary?"
Where is the rational for this statement? As far as I know, the
US does not have roving bands of wild children roaming the
streets of our cities. Nor is there an increase percentage wise
of children put in hospitals for mental instability.
"I want to point out that just because something will be abused
doesn't mean it shouldn't be tried, and I want to point out that
our many other licensing policies still exist despite the
occasional abuse."
After decrying the development of Viagra, this Pro Abortion
advocate is stating that we should give all teenager a
"contraceptive vaccination" at puberty. Regardless of whether
the person wants it. After all it is for the greater good, right.
And finally,
"To be succinct, the destruction of life is subject to moral and
legal examination -- so too should be the creation of life,
whenever and however it occurs."
So now, the "death penalty" is the rational for the "life penalty".
What I think is really happening is that "liberal" Democrat's
are more likely to have an abortion than "conservative"
Republican's. This will surely result in there being fewer
Democrat's than Republicans over time, it is a matter of
statistics*. This trend is evident to the Democrats by their loss
of power in the Congress, the News Media and elsewhere. So in
order to promote parity, you get this nonsense. While I might
agree that some people should not be parents. Who knows from
where the next Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking will come
from? I certainly don't and I know I do not want the UN or the
US Government deciding that issue.
So why does this include John Kerry? Well, he is very Pro Abotion,
check his website. He is a Democrat politician, who has watched
his party loss power over the last 20 years. He has stated on
numerous occassions that he would subvert US soveriugnty to
the UN for the public good.
* = a conversion held by Ken an myself on this topic before.