Thursday, October 21, 2004
Democrats can't tell the truth
First, it was Teresa Hienz (I got a Billion dollars, that must be work) Kerry stating that Laura Bush " never had a real job, um.., in her adult life"
Then you get the DNC spokesman trying to cover for her by stating that THK meant "she quit working after getting engaged to G. Bush."
Neither of which is true, just check out these non-partisan websites:
Of course the biggest lie is Kerry going hunting. It's not that I think that he can't shoot or that I think that he would not eat, what he did shoot.
It is that flat out carp, that he would not promote and pass gun registration bill followed by a gun confisctation bill. All the while, telling you that
it was "all in the best interest of the public". So again the question is can you trust Democrats.
The Answer is that same since Bill Clinton questioned "what the definition of is, is". So if you don't feel you are taxed enough, Vote Kerry.
If you want the economy to recover, beat the terrorist and work at returning America to it former self, Vote Bush.