Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Time to crank up the heat.
Ken once posed the question to Democrats "Are you sweating yet?" He was asking this because he saw the looming Black Hole that is Kerry's record.
The following reports show that Democrats aren't just sweating but now are in a full out and out panic.
Tennessee: Bush voters are "retarded", This is not from Michael Moore but from that states Kerry/Edwards headquarters; See
Add to that :
Note: it may not let you see it but it was there.
Plus all the other incidents that I have previously documented (see below)
The Kerry supporters are starting to see the writing on the wall.
But it really goes back to: Why are Kerry supporters , Kerry supporters?
If you ask any of them, it is the same answer:
"Anyone but Bush!"
They don't support Kerry really, they just see him as the only means of getting back the power and position that the Democratic party
has been steadily losing for the past 12 years. I know they love to say how great Slickus Willius the First (Bill Clinton) is and was.
But the fact of the matter is that more Democrats have lost their seats in Congress under the 8 years of BC than the prior 70 years combined.
So be careful, you may get harassed when going to the polling places this year. But remember that this is only happening because
the party of "Free Speech" is continuing to lose their influence and power. And man do they know it.