Sunday, October 17, 2004
Kerry and your pocket book
In the next two+ weeks, Kerry will make every charge against Bush that he can. With the purpose of scaring you into voting for him.
Of course, this is not without historical precedent. So I will only remind all of you when Kerry is talking about taking money from anyone.
It is really a Fruedian slip since Kerry is the one, who will take money from you. I would like to remind you all, that you can not give anything to
anyone without someone paying for it. This goes for raising the minimum wage, better health care, higher paying jobs or guarenteeing that Social Security.
Whether is comes from higher prices by raising the minimum wage or higher taxes to pay for the new programs Kerry is proposing, Kerry will cost you.
And if you thing by Kerry pulling out of Iraq that there will be more money for his programs. Think again, the estimate on health care alone is
7.2 TRILLION dollars for 4 years. So while you may not agree with Bush on everything ,
and I don't. I do know that I do not want to hand my wallet to Kerry.