Different tack
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Anatomy of a fraud.....
I posted this at http://www.soundpolitics.com/ in repsonse to Stefan's post," Statistical Exhibits" .

It really goes back to Gregiore's call to "count every vote". She meant exactly what she said.
Count every ballot that could be physically counted, regardless of if it was a legally valid ballot.
This is the modeus operendi of the Democratic party. King County was her safety net.
Dean Logan provide the party with this safety net.

Logan's contribution was to make a bad situation worse in King County. In his changing of the
method/process used to tally cast ballots. Instead of re-enforcing and re-training their people in
the correct procedures needed to make the existing system faster and more accountable. You
now have a process in transition. Without any additional training provide to the elections
workers. Training that they would need to reduce error rates with the new method/process.

This is a classic case of impending disaster by lack of experience with a new method. A situation
that could be (and I think was) exploited, if needed, by the Democrat's. Who can later say, "see
it was just simple errors, no real conspiracy here." The real trick is to blame "the system", not
"the individauls" who ran it. Which is exactly what the Democrats are doing. Remember by
Logan's own admission, King Couny's error rate is THREE times, what it was in 2000.
Posted by Mike P at May 28, 2005 12:50 PM

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