Sunday, April 03, 2005
Like yelling fire in a crowded movie house............
For the Chicken Little types out there, no you are not going to die.
But this is the take you get from the article published in today's (4/4) Seattle PI.
Bad wildfire season feared in West
It was a dry, warm winter across the Northwest, with experts in some areas saying they can't remember
the last time the snowpack was this low. It was just the opposite in the Southwest, with record winter
rainfall that flooded deserts and caused murderous landslides."
To be blunt, BULL. There was far higher fire hazards in 1986-88. The fires in Yellowstone park alone
burnt approximately 1.5 million acres in 1987, it was the 6th year of drought in a row.
Please read the USGS report on drought.'1988%20Emergency%20Drought%20Relief'
And Angie didn't any of your "experts" ever read about the "Dust Bowl" years in the 1930's?
Now, there is an increased fire hazard to the southwest states like Arizona and California. But that is because
they received far more rainfall than normal and have the additional plant life to prove it. So yes, when
it finally dries out this summer. They will have a higher fire hazard than normal but it will not be due to drought.