Saturday, April 09, 2005
Liberals just can not take it.
You are a perfect example of why liberals are not to be allowed to be in control of our government
or scientific communities. You ask me if I knew what "predominant" meant, I gave you an online
dictionary version of the definition. But like most words, "predominant" has more than 1 definition.
I tried to let you know that I was using the second definition, [adj] "most common".
You asserted that because of its percentage (JB) ".036% (CO2) still ain't "predominant".
You are intentionally missing the point that I was making that CO2 is a "common" gas in our atmosphere.
But since that does not support your contention your response was:
"Don't bother responding any're an IDIOT. I'll not be back. (JB)".
I now know, that you can not be expected to debate any issue that does not fit your "world view".
Being skeptical is the hallmark of "scientific method", but while you demand I cite sources for my
facts, you refuse to do the same. My main assertion is there is "dogma" put out by the "global warming
is man's fault" crowd. So if you do not trust my facts. Maybe you will believe the Discovery Channnels
special called "ICE". But then again, it does prove that climate change happened without man's interference.