Different tack
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Dem's block it, Rep's blamed
Did I read this wrong or is it an example of the bias the Main Stream Media is accused of?
The article was titled, "House Republicans Fail to Win Passage of Legislation Aimed at Saving Brain-Damaged Woman's Life"
By JIM ABRAMS Associated Press Writer

Here is the quote:
"WASHINGTON Mar 20, 2005 — House Republicans, seeing Congress as a last hope for brain-damaged
Terri Schiavo, failed during an extraordinary Palm Sunday session to pass legislation aimed at
prolonging the Florida woman's life.

Once Democrats refused to allow the measure to go ahead without objection, Republicans began
scrambling to bring lawmakers, who had just started their Easter recess, back to Washington.
After Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., gaveled the House into session, Democrats made clear
they would not let the bill pass on a voice vote. That meant the need for GOP leaders to gather
the required number of lawmakers for a roll call vote. "

If Republicans would have been the ones to not let this measure go forward, do you think
this same headline would be used? I do.

While I do not support this effort (read previous posts), where was the interviews with the opposition?
Why were no Democrats quoted about the reason to not proceed?

So again, I state there is no need for a new liberal news organization. Especially when you have
the existing one in place.

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