Different tack
Friday, January 14, 2005
The voice of reason?
As I read the "smackdown" in Michelle Malkin's column, I can only say that I am not amazed.
You know you won the argument, when the personal attacks ramp up.
So here is an excerpt from her column:


By Michelle Malkin ยท January 12, 2005 11:15 AM
My column today discusses the hidden impact that the Armstrong Williams/Dept. of Ed. scandal will have on minority conservatives:
As a result of the Williams/Department of Education payoff, the rhetoric against the rest of us
will get even nastier. In the name of "minority outreach," the Republican education bureaucrats
who cooked up their pathetic scheme with Williams have done more damage to our credibility
than all the unhinged liberal cartoonists and race-baiters and grievance-mongers could ever
hope to do.
Thanks for nothing.
In the column, I excerpted a few of the countless hate e-mails that come into my mailbox every
day. Here's a bigger, uncensored sample from just the past few months:
Hi Self hating flat nosed Filipino Bitch! As we used to refer to your kind - little brown Fucking
Machines. Looks like this little LBFM learned to whore in a different way to make some pesos.
How sweet.

ETC, etc, etc... read the whole article.

I say to Michelle that I appreciate how brave you are to put up with these "enlightened" individuals.

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