Different tack
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
I read Jim Saywer's article and just had to laugh. See:
Why you ask? Because it was such a peice of drivel.
The title "Democrats advocate a cherished value" is actually truthful, if you take the Democrat's know compulsion for stealing elections.
(see Chicago,New York, etc) I will say this again for those of you who missed it before.
After the 2000 election, King County was directed to insure that all problems encountered during the 2ooo election were
addressed BEFORE the 2004 election started. Obviously, this did not happen. Why is the real question.
Not that the Washington State Republican Party is trying to make King County follow the rules established for this election.
So Mr. Saywer get over it. King County has already not followed the written directions for conducting a recount
during the first recount.

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