Monday, December 06, 2004
Follow the money
If you wonder why something is going odd, all you have to do is follow the money.
With this in mind, we come to the 3rd Washington state governors race recount.
The first count came up with 261 votes more for Rossi.
The second count found 2400 more votes but Rossi maintained a 42 vote lead.
( note: Democrats call this a tie when they are losing)
So now we get to the third recount, Democrats had to raise $730,000 to have it according to state rules.
But where did the money come from? Well, it was not from the local Democratic coffers.
According to CBS NEWS it was:
"Sen. John Kerry, the party's unsuccessful presidential nominee, donated $250,000 in surplus campaign contributions and the Democratic National
Committee and contributed similar amounts. EMILY's List, a national campaign group for pro-choice Democratic women,
contributed, as did more than 10,000 individual donors, many online, the party said.
Note this line:
"more than 10,000 individual donors, many online, the party said"
If this was true, then there is no need for 3 each $250,000 donations from the others.
Trust me, there are more than 10,000 Washington state Democrats who could afford to donate $100 a peice ($1,000,00o)
They did not do that.
Why you ask, well it is simple. 137,759 people who voted for Kerry but did not vote for Gregiore.
So why are we doing this? There are 50,743 more votes for the presidential count than the Governors Race.
Democrats hope to find 43 more votes than Rossi in those 50,743. Since by state law the 3rd
recount is final.
So the question is can the Democrat's steal this election? We will have to wait and see?