Different tack
Monday, November 22, 2004
Just in case you forgot
This is for all theDEMOCRATS, who wish to revise history.
OCT 11 By now, this would be national news
If the following had happened to Democrats, by now it would be national news and the demands would be pouring in for the immediate disbanding of theRepublican Party.
From Gunshots to Swastika's, normally this would be on the evening news with a bullet, Updated hourly and Special Reports overthe weekend.
So lets list what has happened:
stolen laptops from GOP HQ in Bellevue WA,
MoveOn.org supporter spits on Moderate face in Las Vegas.See
Bush supporter punched (no photo)http://www.king5.com/localnews/stories/NW_082804WABkerryEL.c00d5a3c.html

Quote from Kerry supporter," he invited me to punch him."HAT TIP to Ken.

Minnisota Kerry Rally attack,

From Michele Malkin:Knoxville,
Tennessee:An unknown suspect fired multiple shots into the Bearden office of the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign Tuesday morning.
New photos http://www.wbir.com/news/search_article.aspx?storyid=20241

Democrats accused of ripping Bush signs (Kerry supporters rip up toddler's Bush/Cheney sign) ((from little kid)MVP)

One North Texas family whose relative -- Chad Drake http://www.nbc5i.com/news/3719681/detail.html

Pro-Life Women Forcibly Dragged From John Kerry Abortion Rally, Wash,DChttp://www.lifenews.com/nat483.html


MINN GOP FFICES OVERRUN :see gop bulliten
From The Politburo Diktat http://acepilots.com/mt/archives/001329.html

West Allis, Wisconsin - Dem. demonstrators stormed a Republican campaign office, Oct. 5.http://www.wisgop.org/view.phtml?func=ch&lg=&id=

Tennessee - Gunshots fired into Bush-Cheney headquarters, Oct. 4.

Orlando, Florida - Mob attacks Bush-Cheney office, Oct. 5.
A group of protestors caused a commotion Tuesday afternoon at the Bush-Cheney Headquarters at SR436 & the 408.The protestors rushed the front door
and Orlando police spokesman, Sgt. Brian Gilliams says.

Madison, Wisconsin - Swastika Burned Into Grass On Bush Supporter's Lawn, Oct. 1.

Vail, Colorado - Vandals chainsaw Bush-Cheney sign on Magnus Lindholm's yard, Sept. 29.

Columbus, Ohio - Purple Heart Iraqi vet attacked, Sept. 30.

Gainesville, Florida - Democrat slugs area GOP chief, Sept. 18.

In flight, over Canada - Drunken Kerry supporter assaults seatmate in flight, Sept. 16.

Dallas, Texas - Family of dead soldier harassed at candlelight vigil, Sept. 9.

Bozeman, Mont. - Bush campaign office vandalized, paint sprayed and rocks thrown, Sept. 4. (per reader Prakk)http://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/articles/2004/09/04/news/02smashed.txt

Huntington, West Virginia - Gunshot fired at Republican headquarters, Sept. 2.

Seattle, Wash. - Veteran for Bush booed at parade, July. (per reader Jessica)http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/jamieson/181422_robert09.html

I can't remember who said the quote," Intellect without action is cowardice." If you can not see that Kerry is only appealling to the emotional side ofany aurgument then you have forgotten the old saying. "Don't be so open minded that your brain falls out."

more commentary, see Ken:http://www.digitusimpudicus.blogspot.com/- posted by Mike @ 5:04 PM
Excellent work, Mike. Instead of copying your work on my site I linked directly to you. Also, check back to mine
(http://digitusimpudicus.blogspot.com/2004/10/caught-red-han.html) to find one to add
to your list.(hint: it’s fun when it’s caught on tape!)
# posted by Ken : 10:16 AM

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