Wednesday, November 03, 2004
BUSH wins, Washington still in the balance
Bush wins!!!!!!
The 3+ million vote buffer is the real reason that Kerry is conseding the race to BUSH.
This is a buffer that any possible Ohio recount could not over come. Which would mean the
Republicans would be able to do to kerry, what the Democrats did to Bush. But with a margin
that big Kerry would be in an even worse position than Bush.
Washington state in in the balance. The governors race is still a tie with absentee ballots being
the deciding factor. It will not be until Friday at the earliest, that we will know the final count.
And if it is within 1/2 of 1 percent, we will have to wait out the recount.
So I say now that it will be close and if the Democrats lose expect a lawsuit.
The funny part is that it was the democrats that made it a close race.
The crossover vote was 3 to 1 in favor of the Republican candidate.
Even though Kerry carried the state by 56%.
So we must wait...............