Different tack
Monday, November 29, 2004
The truth revealed
I say now that if Erin Olsen gets fired over this article, I will not be to suprised.
I read his/her article and went to the weblink in the article,
To bad Bill O'reilly did not read this or maybe he did? But it is a great read.
If I did not know better, I would think that someone in "MSM" would get the hint.
But thankfully, they remain blissfully unaware. It is kind of like reading a Brothers Grimm
fairy tale to a group of children. While some of them get the message hidden in the story, only a
few retain it. Let alone, actually learn enough from the story to make a meaningful change in their life.
O'Reilly, your bias is showing
Bill O'Rielly's latest article is a kick to read. If only that you can get a look into his real thought process.
But I will start with the second to last line first."Unfair freedom of speech did him in."
Excuse me, but since when is the disimination of the facts, "unfair". Lets face it, in 14 hours the Pajamahadin (blogger's) had
exposed the lies in CBS's report. But it took 12 days for Dan "I never lie" Rather to finally come clean.
Next quote: " Listen to me: There is no way on this Earth that he would have knowingly used fake documents on any story. "
CBS's own Document authenticator to reported that she had serious questions about the documents and took them to CBS,
only to be ignored.
And Finally:
"Let me ask you something: In the future, do you think potential public servants and social crusaders are going to risk
being brutally attacked within this insane system? I don't. "
Where have you been the last 12 months? If there is one thing that has been going on in politics, its political assination
over "inconvenient" facts.
Just look at what has been done to the Swift Boat Vets who spoke out against Kerry.
So I say to you, Mister O'Reilly, its your profession that has allowed this situation to exist.
And quit trying to rewrite history in favor of the media.
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Band of Brothers
As I watch the latest episode on the History Channel, I can not help but put into context the letters, articles
and News programs that I have been watching the last 4 days. If the men of Easy Company were like the Democrat's
of today, we would be speaking German not English. I say this with the full knowledge that some of these men were/are
Democrats. But the Democrat's of Roosevelt are not the Democrat's of Kerry.
Roosevelt did Lend/Lease, something like that would never occur to people like Kerry.
After all, that means supporting a WAR effort. Roosevelt did the National Highway Act, Dam construction, and a
whole slew of federal project to get the economy working after the depression. Most of which today's Democrat's consider
environmental disasters. Do not get me wrong, I know that Roosevelt was a socialist leaning Democrat. But even he knew, that it
was a economically strong America; that was the best hope for the world.
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Education and Clinton come home to roost
Well, its official. Outcome based education is now in the political arena.
It was Bill Clinton, that first raised the question of what the meaning of the word "is" is.
Now we are told that any lead ,that is not a Democrat lead is a tie. But I will let the quote speak for itself.
"But Gregoire told reporters and supporters in Seattle, "Every vote should be counted. The race continues.
A 42-vote margin, my friends, that is a tied race."
Using Gregiore's logic, the Mariner's only lost half as many games last year. You know, if you lose by 1 run that is not really a loss.
The Seahawk's actually won one more game this season, 27-33, since it was less than a touchdown (7 point) spread.
What are we teaching our children and the world, when a candidate can not accept the results of two vote counts.
Monday, November 22, 2004
Just in case you forgot
This is for all theDEMOCRATS, who wish to revise history.
OCT 11 By now, this would be national news
If the following had happened to Democrats, by now it would be national news and the demands would be pouring in for the immediate disbanding of theRepublican Party.
From Gunshots to Swastika's, normally this would be on the evening news with a bullet, Updated hourly and Special Reports overthe weekend.
So lets list what has happened:
stolen laptops from GOP HQ in Bellevue WA,
MoveOn.org supporter spits on Moderate face in Las Vegas.See
Bush supporter punched (no photo)http://www.king5.com/localnews/stories/NW_082804WABkerryEL.c00d5a3c.html
Quote from Kerry supporter," he invited me to punch him."HAT TIP to Ken.
Minnisota Kerry Rally attack,
From Michele Malkin:Knoxville,
Tennessee:An unknown suspect fired multiple shots into the Bearden office of the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign Tuesday morning.
New photos http://www.wbir.com/news/search_article.aspx?storyid=20241
Democrats accused of ripping Bush signs (Kerry supporters rip up toddler's Bush/Cheney sign) ((from little kid)MVP)
One North Texas family whose relative -- Chad Drake http://www.nbc5i.com/news/3719681/detail.html
Pro-Life Women Forcibly Dragged From John Kerry Abortion Rally, Wash,DChttp://www.lifenews.com/nat483.html
MINN GOP FFICES OVERRUN :see gop bulliten
From The Politburo Diktat http://acepilots.com/mt/archives/001329.html
West Allis, Wisconsin - Dem. demonstrators stormed a Republican campaign office, Oct. 5.http://www.wisgop.org/view.phtml?func=ch&lg=&id=
Tennessee - Gunshots fired into Bush-Cheney headquarters, Oct. 4.
Orlando, Florida - Mob attacks Bush-Cheney office, Oct. 5.
A group of protestors caused a commotion Tuesday afternoon at the Bush-Cheney Headquarters at SR436 & the 408.The protestors rushed the front door
and Orlando police spokesman, Sgt. Brian Gilliams says.
Madison, Wisconsin - Swastika Burned Into Grass On Bush Supporter's Lawn, Oct. 1.
Vail, Colorado - Vandals chainsaw Bush-Cheney sign on Magnus Lindholm's yard, Sept. 29.
Columbus, Ohio - Purple Heart Iraqi vet attacked, Sept. 30.
Gainesville, Florida - Democrat slugs area GOP chief, Sept. 18.
In flight, over Canada - Drunken Kerry supporter assaults seatmate in flight, Sept. 16.
Dallas, Texas - Family of dead soldier harassed at candlelight vigil, Sept. 9.
Bozeman, Mont. - Bush campaign office vandalized, paint sprayed and rocks thrown, Sept. 4. (per reader Prakk)http://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/articles/2004/09/04/news/02smashed.txt
Huntington, West Virginia - Gunshot fired at Republican headquarters, Sept. 2.
Seattle, Wash. - Veteran for Bush booed at parade, July. (per reader Jessica)http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/jamieson/181422_robert09.html
I can't remember who said the quote," Intellect without action is cowardice." If you can not see that Kerry is only appealling to the emotional side ofany aurgument then you have forgotten the old saying. "Don't be so open minded that your brain falls out."
more commentary, see Ken:http://www.digitusimpudicus.blogspot.com/- posted by Mike @ 5:04 PM
Excellent work, Mike. Instead of copying your work on my site I linked directly to you. Also, check back to mine
(http://digitusimpudicus.blogspot.com/2004/10/caught-red-han.html) to find one to add
to your list.(hint: it’s fun when it’s caught on tape!)
# posted by Ken : 10:16 AM
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Why the press still does not get it.
The latest AP story on the Washington State election is another prime example of how the media gets it wrong.
To start with "The race for governor of Washington was still undecided Saturday as a recount got under way."
Excuse me but a recount means the offical election counting is OVER! The results, by law, required a recount.
Then there is "a popular Democrat who seemed like the anointed successor to outgoing Gov. Gary Locke."
Gary Locke did little campaigning for Gregiore , none outside of DEMOCRAT ONLY events and NO TV ads.
No mention in this article, that no recount in Washington State history has ever overturned the certified election results in any state wide race.
So while we must wait for the recount, I expect there to be another as Gregoire will not like the results. But in the end
Rossi will be the next Governor of Washington state.
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Kerry: Lesson's Unlearned
I read the article available online about Kerry's campaign in the Boston Globe.
This article was a compilation of 5 reporters:
Nina J. Easton, Michael Kranish, Patrick Healy, Glen Johnson, Anne E. Kornblut, and Brian Mooney.
So I am sure it was a heavily edited story, but I noticed several recurring themes:
Kerry did little things that were blown out of proportion.
Kerry did not react fast enough to the changes during the campaign.
Take Vietnam and the Swift Boat Vet's, look at the quotes from this article.
" In April, Kerry went on NBC's "Meet the Press" and confessed that his accusations (71) had been "a little bit over the top.""
NEWS FLASH, Reporters: This is not an apology in any sense of the word and very late in coming.
"The O'Neill faction also argued that poking holes in Kerry's combat record would attract fresh media attention."
NEWS FLASH, Reporters:
Kerry did have to errors and false claims about his Vietnam Record. For which Kerry did admit too later in the campaign.
This should have been looked at before the campaign started.
Kerry's book,
Tour of Duty," by Douglas Brinkley. Brinkley wrote that swift boat veterans had described Hoffmann as "hotheaded, bloodthirsty, and egomaniacal."
Kerry had tried to head off Hoffmann's anger by calling and offering to ask Brinkley to change the offending passages.
NEWS FLASH Reporters: This should have been done before the book was released.
Kerry's Senate Record:
"Only six lines of his acceptance speech were devoted to his 20 years in the Senate, a fact that his GOP foes loudly broadcast.
The omission was, said one senior adviser, "a fair criticism.""
"In the planning, proposed segments about Kerry's Senate record -- on the environment, on small business, on foreign policy -- were scrapped or scaled back."
NEWS FLASH Reporters : You would be hard pressed to find 6 other subjects in the campaign that Kerry uses his past in the Senate.
Nov2, OHIO:
If he won the state, even by a single vote, the Electoral College would name him president.
NEWS FLASH Reporters: And he would lose the popular vote by over 3 Million, so where would your outrage be over that election?
So it is an interesting read. But like almost all the articles that are being written about this election, their bias is showing.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
High voter turnout
Here in Kitsap County we had over 87% voter turnout. This was the highest turnout I have seen since I moved here.
While so far the polling results are unoffical but interesting none the less.
Dino Rossi won Kitsap County, which should cause a major panic in King County (Seattle).
This county has elected Democrats for Governor since the 70's. In fact Gary Locke won easily in 2000.
So as the population shifts away from Seattle, so does the political influence shift away from Seattle.
I hope the trend continues.......
Thursday, November 11, 2004
One more obstacle removed
Yasser Arafat is dead. So lets get down to brass tacks. This is a man who could have done more for peace in the Middle East.
But instead he pursued the course of encouraging suicide bombers, taught a generation to hate Israel and
would call for the destruction of that country many times during his life.
So while there will be a spike in the violence because of his passing. The fact that he is no longer there, will be an improvement.
For I am not speaking ill of the dead. I am saying that he is not the hero that our press would like to make you think he was.
And that in the end, he was an obstacle to peace. And now he is facing his god, that is a conversation I would like to hear.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Horsey and more liberals
Horsey's question is what will it be like in 2008,
I expect, regardless of the condition of the country is in, that liberals like you will be as condescending as ever.
For you just can not stand the fact that anyone would disagree with you. I think the next race will be even more nasty,
especially from the LEFT. The people of the Democratic party have only touched the surface with break-ins at 8 State Republican
Headquarters including here in Washington State. I expect the same ones to hit at least twice as many. I expect to hear
Democrat's tell Senior Citizen's, " That the Republican's want to kill off Senior's to make fertilizer" or something just as bad.
If we are saddled with Christine Gregiore, I fully expect an unemployment rate of over 10 percent. Which she will blame
on Republican's. It, of course, could not be caused by the massive expansion in the amount, types and rates of taxes implemented
by her administration. I expect a State Income Tax, which like California's will only feed Liberal Democrat's appetite for new ways of spending
the addition money that will be taken from Washington Tax Payers.
The fact of the matter is, Modern Democrats are really Socialist's. Which is why, no Democrat since Kennedy has been able to run on
his or her achievements. The way Bill Clinton got elected was by hanging Bush (41) with his own words (No New Taxes).
And then the Republican's were foolish enough to run Bob Dole against BC, which Clinton and the Democrat's willing played
the age discrimination card. Al Gore's " I invented the Internet" line was a blatant attempt to take credit for something that
he had nothing to do with. All the while Gore was running away from the book "Earth in the Balance", which he supposedly wrote.
Add to this Adam Smith's almost ludicrous response that there is NO Media Bias, except at FOX News on KCTS.
So to put it shortly, I expect the economy to be better, unemployment down nationwide and the Democrats to ratchet up the rhetoric
to levels never seen before.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Liberals just do not get it.
Why Americans Hate Democrats?A Dialogue by Jane Smiley. Is a perfect example of what I mean. Read it at:
Of course, it has all the standard Liberal Democrat propaganda that I have heard for years.
If it got any more condensending, you would have to go to your room without dinner.
HOW DARE YOU! Re-elect G.W. Bush? You Idiot. I would say that I am amazed by this but I am not.
This is how Liberals see anyone ,who disagrees with the liberal point of view since 1969.
I am a conservative because of these people. I had an experience that many military children had during Vietnam.
I was accosted by a liberal while waiting in the airport for my father returning from Vietnam for the second time.
He called my dad a baby killer, which was a real shock since my dad was an Air Traffic Controller, not a foot soldier.
So Jane's article comes as no surprise. These people can not stand any point of view but their own.
So to answer her question, we hate democrats because you promise the moon. And when you fail to deliver on your promises,
you blame the opposition instead of taking responsibility for your actions.
And because you are really the idiot.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
BUSH wins, Washington still in the balance
Bush wins!!!!!!
The 3+ million vote buffer is the real reason that Kerry is conseding the race to BUSH.
This is a buffer that any possible Ohio recount could not over come. Which would mean the
Republicans would be able to do to kerry, what the Democrats did to Bush. But with a margin
that big Kerry would be in an even worse position than Bush.
Washington state in in the balance. The governors race is still a tie with absentee ballots being
the deciding factor. It will not be until Friday at the earliest, that we will know the final count.
And if it is within 1/2 of 1 percent, we will have to wait out the recount.
So I say now that it will be close and if the Democrats lose expect a lawsuit.
The funny part is that it was the democrats that made it a close race.
The crossover vote was 3 to 1 in favor of the Republican candidate.
Even though Kerry carried the state by 56%.
So we must wait...............
Monday, November 01, 2004
Vote for Change!
To all of you, who live in Washington State. I say VOTE FOR CHANGE!
In the 17 years I have lived here only one party has had control of the state and local governments in Washington.
This group has run this state down to the point that business are moving out of state.
This group has raised the taxes on Washington citizens at over 3 times the rate of inflation.
This group has continually fought against performance audits of state agencies.
This group has watched over the degradation of our school systems while saying only more money will help.
Who is this group ?
Well, they are Democrats.
Every four years, this party blames anyone else but themselves for what has happened in prior years.