Different tack
Monday, September 06, 2004
You know when you get that sinking feeling
I have been fortunate that I have only put myself in this
type of situation a couple of times. Most of the time I just
bow to the inevitable and take my "lumps" (re: Bugs
Bunny) . Obviously J. Kerry did not get the type of verbal
and occasionally physical beating, I would get when I got
caught in a lie. So I developed a little indicator, I would
start to get this sinking feeling. It usually shows up
when I get myself in over my head in a new project.
It prompts me to really get to know everything about
whatever I am talking about.

Now why this same action does not happen with J. Kerry,
I can only speculate. I think it comes from being a Democrat
in Massachusetts. I mean this is the same state that
continues to elect E. Kennedy; even though they all know
Kennedy left someone to drown in an overturned car.
Plus Kerry has faced the Vietnam issue before but before he
just "smeared" the people who had the audacity to make
the charge. Why, because it has always worked. After all he
had the support of the Massachusetts Democratic Party.

But this is the rest of the country and those methods do
not work. You have to provide direct and truthful answers
to the questions posed. And that is something J. Kerry just
can not do. The reason is the answers are more damning
then the questions. For one, He would have to admit that he
fudged on his action reports and medal recommendations, for
starters. But I think it goes deeper, I think that after 30
years of lying; he believes his own press. Now the mainstream
media has tried to protect him by not running the stories.

But the information is out there for anyone to find with little
effort. I mean just search any search engine and enter the
following words; "Kerry, medal, toss" You will get multiple
sites but if you read them, they all agree on one thing: Kerry
tossed medals/ribbons away. (Trust me the majority of Vets
do not like this.)

Then a later revelation is that his 1971 testimony was
used by the North Vietnamese during interrogations of
POW's. Plus he meet with the representatives of that
same government. Both actions violate his oath as a
officer (he was still in the Naval Reserves).

These are three instances that show things J. Kerry's
"character". While I know this only one part of his life,
it does show that he will do anything to promote
himself. Is that the overriding quality that you want in
the next president of the United States?

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