Different tack
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
The Veil of Civility
Tonite, I saw the 5th in a series of Bush supporters or Kerry
detractors being beaten on camera. While I can be sure that
these will be considered isolated incidents by Big Media. A
pattern is emerging in the nature of the attacks. So to all
those out there who would consider speaking out publicly
against Kerry, I have some advice.
1) strength in numbers (cowards only attack when they have
a definite advantage)
2) video tape is your friend (works great in court)
3) if you are not 6'+ and 200 lbs, expect the Rotund
Union Worker to try and intimidate you.
4) be brief (you won't have much time to get your message
out before the "goons" attack)
5) Expect minimal media coverage (after all 88% voted for
Clinton twice and Al Gore, but no bias here)
And remember you will hear repeatedly, that it is the Kerry
detractors who are uncivilized, provocative and un-American.
For daring to oppose Kerry ascension to the highest office in
the land.

Do you have a link to a video clip of this most recent event? King 5 has a good one showing the assault outside the Tacoma dome (web page here: http://www.king5.com/topstories/stories/NW_082804WABkerryEL.c00d5a3c.html - look for “Confrontation between Kerry and Bush supporters” at middle right).

I also commented yesterday about low-level vandalism (here: http://digitusimpudicus.blogspot.com/2004/09/five-days-thats-all-it-took.html ), and Mike at Cold Fury (www.coldfury.com) has even more examples.

Point is, the Dems, Libs, Leftists and their traveling band of teetering temperaments are near the edge. They know it. They can’t stand what they’re seeing happen right in front of them. It’s driving them to, and past, anger.

Look for more violence and property damage to happen as we get closer to the election.
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