Different tack
Sunday, February 20, 2005
What, No taker's? Come on try me.
I was expecting at least one person from the "global warming is man's fault" crowd to take me on.
What is the matter, not use to having someone with the knowledge and experience to take you on in a fact based argument?
I guess, this is my best point when dealing with these people. If you challenge them and their assertions, this
is the response you get from them.
Why? Because they know their arguments are based on half truths, flawed premises and a biased personal agenda.
So you want examples proving the previous statement?
1) The computer models used for long term climate predictions discards 85 to 90 percent of the data inputted in to it.
The reason is simple the model can not effectively handle the data it is given. At least not without the model
making predictions of it snowing in Las Vegas, Nev in July, 2006.
2) "The average temperature on Earth is rising faster today than any other time in history."
Really, based on what data? Even if you assume all the historical records are correct. There is only 3000+ years of recorded
Human history in the 3 billion year history of the planet. So given the geological record of at least 5 separate Ice Ages,
do you really think that statement is true?
3) According to the global warming crowd: Volcanic eruptions, Solar flares and other natural occuring events
have no effect on weather. Note: Since the Tsumami occured in Indonesia, the Northwest is having an unusually dry winter.
These are just a few of the points, the Global Warming crowd does not want you to know about.
Sunday, February 06, 2005
We are NOT the cause of global warming
After I read Professor Ward Seattle PI article:
"P-I Focus: Global warming is written in stoneWill we, and our leaders, heed the warning of prehistory?"
I thought it was interesting that he opened his article about a writer who wrote about Stalin.
"I remember a memorable passage in which Solzhenitsyn accurately noted that the vast majority of scientists
in Russia at that time were paleontologist." It is too bad he did not learn the lessons of those paleontologists.
I have to respond to this with my own analysis. First of all, I am not a professor but I did work at Fleet Numerical
Oceanography Center Monterey, CA for 3 years in the late 80's developing the computer models being used today.
I worked with the programmers on how the model worked, what happens to it when certain variables were used
and why we used the "100 years database" sparingly.
So let us get to the FACTS that everyone agrees too:
1.) There would be no life on Earth without "global warming".
Life does not do well at -275 degrees Kelvin. (the temperature in the shade on the Moon)
2.) Carbon Dioxide is one of the predominant gases in our atmosphere, always has been.
Humans are not the only source of this gas and can not be held responsible for it being produced.
3.) The computer models are based on 70 years of "accurate data". The reason is simple. It was not until WWII
that standardization of measurement equipment was used world wide. While weather forecasting goes back
hundreds of years, most people relied on the equipment used in their local area. With no records for calibration of
equipment, just how accurate the data is not known.
4.) Celsius vs. Fahrenheit, each system has it advantages and disadvantages.
Celsius is used in most of the world today, but is often less accurate since one degree is a larger
change in the Celsius system.
5.) None of the current models take in to account Solar activity and/or orbital changes.
( if you think Solar flares do not effect the planet, one was capable of taking out a satellite in orbit in 2003.)
6.) There have been at least 5 separate ICE AGES according to the geological record, the last just over 10,000 years ago.
So Professor Ward, as you are sitting at your desk at UW today, ponder this fact:
10,00 years ago your office was under 300 feet of ice.
I am fairly certain that Humans and Fossil Fuels had nothing to do with that ice receding from this area of the world.
Saturday, February 05, 2005
In the spiral downward.......
If Democrats of the 40's and 50's were as pessimistic as Democrats today. We would not have the world we have today.
Again, for all who have had their history taught to them by LIBERAL teachers and textbooks.
It took over 7 years, before American Soldiers stopped being killed by insurgents in Germany Italy and Japan.
We did force democracy on these counties, which was different than the system these countries had before WWII.
Now, having said the obvious. You would never know this if you read or watched the Saturday TV shows or read the OP/ED
Columnist of the MSM outlets. If I read "you can't force democracy on any people" from another pundit.
We are forcing democracy on Iraq. But we are doing it by allowing the people of Iraq the opportunity to practice democracy.
This is the beauty of democracy, for once people get to put democracy in to practice they like it.
For the feeling of having your own destiny in you hands is the most powerful influence of democracy.
So as I watch the Democrat's in this country continue to decry what is going on in Iraq, I have to ask.
"Do you really want America and the world to believe, that you would prefer Saddam in power?"